Articles on Racism
These are a list of published articles and book chapters related to my research on racism in the medical profession.
- This is the published paper of my presentation to the Royal College of General Practitioners Spring Meeting April 2005. It was an invited speech as part of the William Pickles Lecture and looks at the history of Asian doctors in the NHS. View document in PDF
- This is a paper written as part of a debate on whether Muslims should have faith based services, published in the BMJ in 2007. I argued against the provision of special services. View document in PDF
- Abel P, Esmail A. ‘Performance pay remuneration for consultants in the NHS. Is the current system fair and fit for purpose’. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine. October 2006. View document in PDF
- This is an article on ‘The Impact of Ethnicity and Diversity on Doctors’ Performance’, published in the British Journal of Healthcare Management in October 2006. View document in PDF
- Esmail A. Racism in the NHS – the prejudice of good people. BMJ 2004; 328: 1448-1449.
- Aneez Esmail: A problem shared. Society Guardian. February 12th 2004.
- Esmail A. Challenging the canteen culture in medicine. Medical Education 2003; Oct 37(10):846-7.
- Esmail A, Abel P, Everington S, Discrimination in the discretionary points award scheme: comparison of white with non-white consultants and men with women. BMJ. 2003 Mar 29;326(7391):687-8.
- Esmail A. Racism in admissions to medical school. In Racism in Medicine. Ed Naaz Coker. Kings Fund London (2001).
- Esmail A, May C. Commentary. Oral exams – get them right or don’t bother. (Oral examinations, equal opportunities and ethnicity in the MRCGP. BMJ 2000; 320: 370-375.
- Esmail A, Dewart P. Failure of Asian students in clinical examinations: The Manchester experience. In Race and Higher Education: Experiences, Challenges and Policy Implications. Eds Madood T, Ackland T. Policy Studies Institute. London 1998.
- Esmail A. Commentary: League tables will help. (Factors affecting likelihood of applicants being offered a place in medical schools in the United Kingdom in 1996 and 1997.) BMJ 1998; 317: 1111-1117.
- Esmail A. Race based affirmative action policies. JAMA 1998; 279: 509-51.
- Taylor DH, Esmail A, Retrospective analysis of census data on general practitioners who qualified in South Asia: Who will replace them as they retire? BMJ 1998;318:306-310.
- Esmail A, Everington S, Doyle H. Racial discrimination in the allocation of distinction awards? Analysis of list of award holders by type of award, specialty and region. BMJ 1998;316:193-5.
- Esmail A, Everington S. Asian doctors still being discriminated against. BMJ 1997;314:1619.
- Esmail A, Nelson P, Everington S. Ethnic differences in applications to United Kingdom medical schools between 1990-1992. New Community 1996; 22(3): 495-506.
- Esmail A, Primarolo D, Nelson P, Toma T. Acceptance into medical school and racial discrimination. BMJ 1995;310:501-502.
- Esmail A, Everington S. Complaints may reflect racism. BMJ 1994;308:1374.
- Esmail A. To the Chairman of the UK General Medical Council. Health Care Analysis 1994; May;2 (2):170-2.
- Esmail A, Everington S. Racial discrimination against doctors from ethnic minorities. BMJ 1993;306:691-692.