Other information on Aneez Esmail
These are a series of articles written about Aneez Esmail in the National Media. They give and overview of his work and his campaigning activity.
- 2009: Article in StarbizWeek, Malaysia, Up close and personal (PDF
- 2005: Article in Amicus Health World, Interview
- 2003: Article in BMJ Careers, A Formidable Pair (PDF
- 2002: Article in Education Guardian, Official Denial (PDF
National Awards
- 2006: Fellowship of The Royal College of Physicians (FRCP) (Read Citation)
- 2005: William Pickles Lecture of the Royal College of General Practitioners
http://www.rcgp.org.uk/press/2005/0019.asp - 2003: Membership of The Royal College of General Practitioners
Awarded for contribution to General Practice (MRCGP) - 2002: Awarded but declined OBE (See Why
http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm200304/ cmselect/cmpubadm/212/212we78.htm - 1994: Campaign for the Freedom of Information Award